How Do You Like Your Coffee?

How Do You Like Your Coffee?

How do you like your coffee?

Did you know that there are over 700 different ways to enjoy coffee? Whether you like your coffee with cream and sugar, black, or with a little bit of flavoring, it’s important to get the perfect cup each time. In this blog post, we’ll discuss different ways to make coffee and how to customize it to your liking. We’ll also provide some tips on how to make the perfect cup every time. So, whether you’re a coffee lover or just looking for a new way to start your day, keep reading!

How do you like your coffee? Do you take sugar in your coffee? Cream? How about both? It turns out that how you like your coffee might say something about you as a person. According to some experts, the way you like to drink your coffee can be linked to your personality type. So, what does your coffee preference say about you? Keep reading to find out!

What Is Coffee?

Coffee is a beverage which stimulates the central nervous system when consumed. It has been around for hundreds of years and can be found in many different cultures across the world. Coffee comes from a fruit called a coffee berry which grows on shrubs native to eastern Africa, southern Arabia, and southwest Asia. These berries are picked from trees and either dried or roasted depending on how it will be processed into coffee. The seeds of the berry contain caffeine that gives it its stimulating effects. In recent times there have been health benefits discovered in drinking coffee such as anti-carcinogenic properties, antioxidant effects, protection against diabetes, liver damage prevention, cardiovascular disease reduction, memory improvement, mood changes among others.

The chemical makeup of coffee is composed of over 1,000 chemicals. Many are flavor and aroma compounds which give it its smell and taste while others are antioxidants that help prevent degenerative diseases. Caffeine has been shown to affect the brain similarly to adenosine, a neurotransmitter in the body which causes drowsiness. This causes one to become alert when they drink enough coffee for its caffeine to bind with their brains receptors instead. Acidity is also found in varying degrees depending on how it is processed making some flavors more bitter than others.

Coffee is often consumed as an energy drink or even as the main component of other drinks such as caffe latte or cappuccino sold at coffee shops all around the world. It is popular to add flavored syrups or extra coffee to give it different flavors. From the first sip, one can tell that coffee has many uses other than just giving its drinker an energy boost.

 Coffee can be used in baking, ice cream, and even in chocolate. Coffee is the second most traded commodity in the world after petroleum making it into many different products besides just being a beverage or drink.

Coffee has been around for centuries with its recorded history dating back to the 15th century when it was discovered by goats eating coffee berries which gave them increased energy. The first known use of dried coffee beans comes from Ethiopia where they are believed to have been used as early as 675 AD.The Arabic culture started using coffee shortly after this time where they boiled the beans to make a bitter black liquid that was later mixed with spices and sugar to mask the taste. It became popular across Turkey but spread out through Europe in 1600s when the Ottoman Empire conquered most of the land.

Around this time it was rare to find actual coffee beans as they were so valuable and rare that people traded them like currency with different regions having their own way of preparing it. The French introduced England, Spain and Italy to coffee and brought back cocoa from Central America which introduced chocolate into Europe and began a new era in beverages. By the 18th century, coffee was being imported into colonies along with sugar cane and tobacco further increasing its popularity. Recently there have been health benefits discovered about drinking coffee such as anti-carcinogenic properties, antioxidant effects, protection against diabetes, liver damage prevention, cardiovascular disease reduction, memory improvement among others.

Coffee has been shown to be a great social drink that brings people together. In recent years coffee has been a common gift to bring when one visits another’s home and is often shared with others during times of celebration where it can be seen in different variations such as cafe au lait, cappuccino, caffe latte, mocha or café con leche.

One might not know why coffee exists but upon drinking a cup for the first time will come to realize all the history behind its origins and popularity world-wide. Coffee comes from an origin steeped deep within history and cultures leaving its mark throughout the centuries to become the staple drink of today.

Types Of Coffee

How do you like your coffee? There are various types of coffee and here we will explore what they are and where to find them:

– Arabica

This is the most common type of coffee. These beans produce a mild, smooth drink that has subtle flavors. The Arabica bean comes from the high mountains in Ethiopia and Yemen. It grows best between the latitudes of 23 degree North and 35 degrees South (Southern Mexico, Central America).

Arabica’s success is due to it’s ability to grow under many different conditions unlike other species such as Robusta. As long as there is sunlight and rain, Arabica will flourish. 

The caffeine content in the Arabica bean ranges from one half percent to two and a half percent volume compared with three percent to six percent for Robusta.

– Robusta

This type of coffee is used in instant coffees, espresso blends and filter/drip coffees requiring a more robust flavor than Arabica can provide. The plant will produce fruit even when there are environmental stress factors such as drought or rain, heavy rain or severe cold. It needs very little care and hardly any fertilizer making it cheap to grow. The taste of the Robusta bean is described as strong, harsh, bitter and dominating compared with the gentle, soft fruitier notes of Arabica beans grown at higher elevations.

Robusta contains about three times as much caffeine as Arabica. So if you are not interested in keeping your energy levels up during the day then Robusta is perfect for you.

– Liberica

This variety is becoming more popular due to it’s hardy nature and easy maintenance. The plant produces large red flowers which are very pretty but the fruit capsules never fully ripen, instead they remain green when harvested. This type of coffee takes longer to mature than Arabica or Robusta yet typically has less caffeine content. The beans are more oily than other species because of their high oil content achieving a rich heavy taste. Yields derived from this type of bean tend to be low making it fairly expensive compared with other types of coffee. Libericas originates in Africa where it has taken the place of Caturra which is not as ideal for the African climate.

– Caturra

Originating from Brazil, this variety has been very successfully planted in Colombia and Costa Rica making it a favorite with farmers who grow coffee commercially. The downside of producing such high yields is that it does not have a strong flavor but given time before being harvested, the beans have a better chance of being developed to their full potential. Many people find Caturra easier on the stomach because of its lower caffeine content compared with Robusta or Arabica yet some claim that they get heartburn after drinking it so it can be hit and miss depending on each individual’s preference.

Another feature is that more workers are needed during harvest which puts more money into local economies, allowing for a higher standard of living.

– Maragogype

This type of tree is becoming more popular due to its large leaves and cherry sized beans. It can produce a good yield if grown in rich soil and fertilized well yet it has a tendency to lose its leaves during winter, so care should be taken. The Maragogype bean has an intense flavor that some people describe as being spicy or fruity with chocolate tones which can vary from country to country according to climatic conditions. Some consider the Maragogype as producing a rustic cup but others admire the different taste experience it provides compared with other types of coffee available on the market today.

Mixed Species: There are various mixtures that occur when two or more types of coffee are grown in the same area. This is a common practice in South America where Arabica and Robusta are mixed to achieve a balanced taste. Other combinations involve mixing Liberica with Arabica or even adding Caturra to create a milder cup of coffee.

Benefits Of Drinking Coffee

Coffee is a favorite part of so many people’s days. The aroma, the taste and the warmth are what many look forward to in the morning or in the afternoon when it’s time for their break. It can start your day off right, motivate you to work out, show up at meetings on time and brighten your mood after a long day.

How do you like your coffee? So why drink coffee? Here are some reasons that may convince you that drinking coffee may be beneficial for you overall well-being!

– Coffee wakes you up

The caffeine in coffee provides an immediate energy boost which helps get us through our mornings. Plus, it decreases fatigue during periods of extended mental activity by blocking adenosine receptors in the brain. This results in decreased drowsiness and a heightened sense of alertness.

– Coffee reduces depression

Studies show that coffee drinkers have a lower risk of depression compared to people who do not drink any coffee. This could be because caffeine stimulates the release of neurotransmitters in the brain such as dopamine, serotonin and norepinephrine which are associated with mood. In addition, studies suggest that drinking two cups or more per day can help prevent Parkinson’s disease by 40%, gallstones by 30% and kidney stones by 20%.

– Coffee makes you smarter

It is believed that coffee enhances memory and concentration due to its stimulant effect on the central nervous system (CNS). Caffeine acts like adenosine the body blocking receptors in the brain. Working in the same manner, caffeine stimulates these receptors when it is present. This blockage of adenosine allows dopamine to be free in the brain for longer periods of time which can result in an improvement in mood and better focus during tasks that require attention.

– Coffee reduces your risk of developing Diabetes

Research shows that Type 2 diabetes patients who drink three cups of coffee each day had a lowered risk of death than diabetics who did not drink any coffee. Studies show that drinking either caffeinated or decaffeinated coffee offers the benefits to this particular disease since both contain antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds.

– Coffee boosts your metabolism

Drinking two or more cups of coffee per day may increase your metabolic rate by up to 10% and increases the amount of free fatty acids and glucose that your liver releases into your blood stream. This is beneficial for people who want to lose weight because it can help burn fat more quickly than other methods.

– Coffee makes you happier

As mentioned above, coffee stimulates brain functions leading to a heightened state of awareness and focus, which can lead to happiness during busy days or afternoons. It has also been shown that drinking 3 cups of coffee per day stimulates production of GABA which helps create feelings of well-being and calmness.

– Coffee treats headaches

People often drink coffee when they have a headache because it constricts blood vessels causing pain and reduces muscle tension and inflammation associated with migraines. There is also evidence that caffeine can prevent headaches in the long-term by preventing changes in blood flow to the brain.

– Coffee helps you hold off hunger longer

One of the most important benefits of drinking coffee is its ability to keep your stomach and digestive system satisfied and retain your energy for a longer period of time. Research shows that people who drink coffee before or during a meal eat less than those who do not drink any coffee. This is because it stimulates the secretion of gastric acids which breaks down food more quickly helping our bodies absorb nutrients faster and releasing neurotransmitters such as dopamine which reduce feelings of hunger.

– Coffee reduces cancer risk

Studies show that both caffeinated and decaf coffees lower women’s risk of endometrial cancer by about 25% and men’s risk of developing prostate cancer. Coffee also lowers the risk of liver and colorectal cancers in humans and melanoma skin cancer in mice.

– Coffee prevents Alzheimer’s disease and Dementia

The caffeine present in coffee acts as a neuroprotective agent which reduces the risk of Alzheimer’s disease or other dementias such as Lewy body dementia by 50 to 80%. Also, drinking 3-5 cups per day can reduce cognitive decline due to aging (memory loss). 

How To Make A Coffee?

Making coffee is not as simple as the majority of people think. Although it may seem that all you have to do is place ground coffee into a cup, pour in hot water and let it soak, there is more to making a good cup of joe than just dumping grounds into boiling water. If you are looking for tips on how to make a great cup of coffee, keep reading.

– Use fresh beans

Coffee is a very complex drink and it can taste different at different times; you can never drink the same coffee twice. The reason for this is that each batch of green (uncooked) coffee beans produces a slightly different flavor profile and body when brewed. Coffee beans start to lose their flavor after being roasted or ground. After long storage, most beans are also exposed to stale flavors that can make the coffee taste dull.

– Buy pre-ground coffee for your drip brewer

Don’t grind your own beans for a drip brewed cup of coffee. Pre-ground coffee is already prepared to absorb maximum flavor from the brewing process. If you use whole beans, your coffee will brew weakly and unevenly because it’s not properly broken down yet through the grinding process–a further loss of flavor occurs when you cook it in water. Whole bean coffees need to be coarsely ground with large particles so they fall through the filter without getting trapped inside. This allows for both extraction and quick removal time before the coffee burns, before you boil it.

– Know water temperature is very important

The scalding temperature of water for coffee should be between 195 and 205 degrees Fahrenheit (90 to 96 degrees Celsius)–depending on altitude–to fully bring out the flavor of the ground beans. If not hot enough, there will be no tasteful oils in your recipe; if too hot, the bitter oils are burned–and these are the ones that deliver coffee’s flavor. Using cold tap water for making coffee will not give you a good result either because most tap water is between 150-170 degrees Fahrenheit (65-77 degrees Celsius), which also does not make the best cup of coffee with non-pre- beans.

– Keep your coffee clean

In order to extract the best possible flavor from your ground beans, you need to start with a clean coffeemaker. This will ensure no residual flavors are carried over into future pots of coffee and it will also be sure that you experience the best taste from your new gourmet blend. Coffee’s most sought after flavor is the one found in its oils which is released by thorough brewing methods using clean equipment. For this reason it’s important to keep all items involved in making your coffee clean; if your brewing equipment has old coffee stains, buy some elbow grease and scrub them away. If it looks like something might be lingering in there, give it a good rinse or wash-down before proceeding.

– Use filtered water when possible

Coffee is 98 percent water and it has a huge impact on the end result. In fact, bad tasting coffee is usually the results of using dirty or impure water. Even if you use bottled water, make sure your source gives you a product that’s no more than 60 days old for best results. If you must use tap water, let it run a few seconds in order to get fresh cold water from the pipes in your walls instead of hot water which may have been sitting in them for hours!

– Have your equipment clean

Be sure all items involved with making coffee are clean before proceeding–flavor oils from previous brews will contaminate future pots if not removed completely by cleaning the coffeemaker parts after every use and by keeping the filter basket and brewer’s carafe clean. A coffee manufacturer once told me that one dirty item in a machine can ruin 2,000 gallons of water! Coffee actually has an extensive flavor profile; it’s like eating three or four different foods at once because you’re tasting the beans as well as smelling their aromas as they steep into the water during brewing.

– Use fresh ground coffee

Of course your purchased gourmet beans should be as fresh as possible; differences between less than 3 weeks and more than 5 weeks of storage time will affect brew quality–this is why many roasters specialize in selling small amounts weekly to ensure freshness. The best grind for any type of drip brewer is medium coarse–similar to the texture of coarse salt. If you like to use a French press (also called a Cafe plunger), which many people enjoy for its robust flavor, grind your own beans medium-fine. This type of machine extracts the most oils from the ground coffee and is best enjoyed with a fine grind similar to standard table salt in size.

How do you like your coffee? Of course, different types of coffee require different grinds–so if you want an espresso, be sure your grinder is set correctly for this type of specialty brew!

– Timing is everything

In order to have the best tasting cup of Joe, it’s important that all brewing steps are carefully watched and timed so that they occur within 5 minutes after coming into contact with water. In other words, once your water starts to heat up and the first bubbles come forth from the bottom of your coffeemaker, it’s time to start timing because once those first bubbles stop emerging, that means water is at about 200 degrees Fahrenheit (93 Celsius) and making coffee at this temperature greatly reduces flavor. You want to end brewing within 5 minutes after reaching 200 degrees Fahrenheit (93 C) for best results in taste. This process can be lengthened by preheating all items with hot tap water before starting the brewing process; better yet.. buy a variable thermometer which is specially designed for measuring coffee temperatures–you’ll get consistent tasting cups of java every time!

– Don’t overheat

Many people like to microwave their freshly brewed pot in order to keep it hot longer, but this is one of the worst things you can do to your coffee. This process actually makes it taste even worse than usual since microwaves heat by first agitating water molecules in your food or drink and turns them into steam; this process creates very acidic compounds which will damage the delicate flavor profile–not to mention risk potential health dangers like cancer-causing agents! When using a microwave, only heat enough for immediate consumption because microwaved coffee gets cold almost as soon as it’s taken out of the machine. If you want stronger, hotter java without losing flavor.. just use larger amounts of ground beans per cup than recommended by your brewer’s instructions.

– Add sugar last

When you add anything but hot water to your pot of coffee, the flavor is immediately affected. For best tasting java when sweetening with anything but sugar (like flavored syrup), add this ingredient directly to your cup after the water portion has been completely drained from your machine’s filter basket and before you pour in the freshly brewed coffee–this will preserve the maximum amount of flavor in each individual cup for optimum enjoyment!

Summary, coffee can be a wonderfully delicious beverage or it can be an unenjoyable experience–it depends on many things, including how you prepare it! By taking these tips to heart, you’ll be sure to get more out of every pot of Joe by learning how to make coffee like a pro at home! If you’re new to making this popular beverage in the comfort of your own home, read my other articles on how to grind coffee, measure coffee correctly and even how to make iced coffee at home!

FAQs About How Do You Like Your Coffee

What Is The Best Blending For Coffee Beans?

 It depends on what kind of coffee you want to drink. Some people enjoy combining two or three different flavors to create their own unique blend, while others prefer the taste of one specific type of bean. There are also those who like to combine both decaf and regular beans in order to get an extra kick without the caffeine jitters.

What Is The Correct Ratio Of Coffee Beans To Water?

 It depends on how much coffee you want to make and if you’re using a machine or a mini-brewer. For those who enjoy drinking coffee made from a drip machine or percolator, it’s recommended that you use two tablespoons of ground coffee for every six ounces water. For those who only want a small amount or are using a mini-brewer, it’s recommended that you use one tablespoon for every cup of water.

How Does One Make Iced Coffee Correctly?

 While it may seem simple to just fill a cup with ice and pour your coffee over it, there is actually a specific way to go about doing this so that you do not wind up diluting the flavor or ruining an expensive coffee machine. First of all, most people will recommend against pouring hot liquid over ice because you risk melting the cubes and watering down your drink. Instead, most people prefer to brew their coffee in advance then store them in the refrigerator until they are ready to be served cold. Once you’re ready to serve, place six ounces of room temperature water into an airtight jar along with two tablespoons of ground coffee for every cup of water. Shake vigorously until dissolved then place into the refrigerator until it reaches your desired temperature.

What Is The Best Way To Store My Coffee?

For those who like to drink their coffee as soon as they wake up or purchase ground coffee so that they can drink it throughout the week, there are a few suggestions on how long you should keep your beans before throwing them out and buying new ones:

 Ground Coffee: Keep in an airtight container and only grind what you plan on using. It is recommended that you throw away any unopened packages after one month or if you open them then throw away anything left over after two months.

How do you like your coffee? Coffee Beans: Store in an airtight container and keep them in a cool dry place. If beans seem too moist, leave them out to dry for a few days before returning them to the container. Keep the beans away from sunlight and never freeze your coffee beans as this will cause them to go stale much faster.

What Is The Best Way To Brew Coffee?

 Some people like using machines, others like using mini-brewers, and some even use their own method including everything from percolators to drip pots and French presses. The key here is that there is no right or wrong answer as long as you enjoy the end product. For those who enjoy using machines, it’s recommended that you thoroughly clean all parts of your machine after every use so that oils do not build up which can affect taste over time. It’s also recommended that you use two tablespoons of coffee for every six ounces of water and that you only fill the machine with as much water as you need because keeping the pot on a hot burner will cause it to evaporate. For those who prefer using mini-brewers, it’s recommended that you use one tablespoon of ground coffee for every cup of water and that you only fill the brewer as much as you plan on drinking at once since no matter how many times you reheat your drink it will never be as strong as when it was freshly brewed.

How Do I Clean My Coffee Machine?

 The best way to keep your machine clean is to simply rinse it after each use and then wipe down all parts by hand without using any soap or chemicals which can dilute the coffee’s taste. Dishwasher detergent is also not recommended as it can leave a film that will affect taste and lead to residue building up over time which can transfer to your next pot of coffee. If you’re having trouble with residue building up then try using a mixture of half vinegar and half water instead of soap or cleaning products. It is also recommended that you clean the inside of your machine every three months by adding two tablespoons of baking soda, filling halfway with cold water, and running for ten minutes before rinsing thoroughly.

What Are Some Common Mistakes People Make With Their Coffee?

 Some common mistakes people make when making their coffee include:

 Leaving beans in an airtight container where they can be exposed to too much moisture and go stale faster. Using water that is either too hot or not hot enough when brewing coffee in a machine since it can affect taste and burn beans if used at the wrong temperature. Adding sugar, creamer, chocolate, etc. before they’ve tried the coffee because most people don’t like how it tastes when mixed with their drink (unless of course you’re adding whip cream then more power to you).

>>> Coffee types explained | How Do You Like Your Coffee?


Your morning coffee is just one of the many rituals that you have in your daily routine. We all drink it, but we don’t always think about how do you like your coffee and what you add to it. For some people, a cup of joe with cream and sugar may be perfect while others prefer theirs black or even cold brew! Think about this when marketing your product because not everyone will want the same thing. You can also use our blog post as inspiration for creating new products like an ice-coffee maker so customers who enjoy drinking cold drinks can still get their caffeine fix on hot summer days!

In the world of coffee, there are many different ways to enjoy a cup. Some people like their coffee iced and some prefer it hot with cream and sugar; others love espresso shots while still others will drink decaf if they’re having trouble sleeping at night. You may not know it, but your preference for coffee is based on how you like the caffeine content to be. Do you want a mild jolt of energy or do you prefer a coffee that will keep you going all day? The answer depends on whether you’re an A-type personality and need more stimulation, or if you are someone who prefers balance and needs less caffeine so as not to feel too jumpy.

How do you like your coffee? The conclusion of this blog post is that it’s important to know how people like their coffee before you start making assumptions. We hope that the information in our article has helped shed some light on what your customers might be looking for when they’re at home or enjoying time with friends and family, but if not feel free to reach out anytime!

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